You Have a Big Belly Because You Don’t REST When You Feel TIRED. You BINGE-EAT. – Coach Sharm

You Have a Big Belly Because You Don’t REST When You Feel TIRED. You BINGE-EAT.

Binge eating is your way of coping with the following:

👉 The stress of work and family duties
👉 The low esteem you get every time you look at the mirror
👉 The guiltiness you feel when you can't reach your extreme diet goals

Instead of resting and making healthy decisions for your kids, you feel like you DESERVE some kind of SMALL, UNHEALTHY TREATS, because you SACRIFICE A GOOD BODY & HEALTH in order to become a RESPONSIBLE PARENT.

It's not your fault.

You're juggling between being a responsible parent and effective at your work so sometimes, you needed something that reminds you of joy, of happiness, of your younger self.

And those chocolate bars under our pillows, those late-night cake snacking? Those are just little treats that are not enough compensation for all your hard work. 

I've once been addicted to sweets myself, treating myself every now and then.

You'll learn my proven strategies on how I overcame this hurdle, take care of myself, and be a GOOD EXAMPLE to my kids and family.

All you need TO START is just 10 minutes a day, for 5 days a week. That’s less than one hour a week.

Commit to this, and I will bring RESULTS:


Spend more quality time with your kids and let them see the best version of you so they can become responsible adults too in future.

This 4-day Challenge I have created is for parents like you and me. It’s free. As a personal trainer in Singapore, I coach busy people.  

So hop over to the next page, and learn the methods how my parent clients are using 10 Minutes a day to help themselves - to embark on their journey to a flatter belly, higher energy, and confidence levels.

If you enter your details below and join the challenge, you’ll start to move from being upset, depressed and frustrated of their big stomachs to being happy, excited and proud of your strong body.

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