Accelerated Fat Loss Program 2.0 #csMentorship

Be empowered with the ability to lose bodyfat based on Science, The 3 Ms! Menu (Nutrition), Movement (Activity/Exercise) and Mindset (Mental Skills). Learn how to lose many inches around your waist and lower bodyfat permanently without the need to deprive yourself of your favourite food and spend countless hours in the gym. Attain a smaller waist size and fitter body. This program consists of knowledge that can be easily transferred to action and motivation. 

Just like with my personal training clients, I'm confident our relationship will be long term.  I look forward to sharing with you the 'secrets' to better health and leaner body. 

Click here to sign up for access.

70 Lessons


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Weight Training For Metabolism

Learn how to lift weights effectively and safely to build lean muscle tissue that is more metabolically active than fat. By increasing your muscle mass, you also increase metabolism which means you're burning more calories throughout the day. 

34 Lessons


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Bodyweight Exercises For Fitness & Fat Loss

    For those who want to use their bodyweight for exercise.

81 Lessons


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Our metabolism goes up and down throughout the day. After you do your main workout, metabolism will rise. After a few hours, it'll dip - this is where when we do our 8 Minute #csChallenge to level up again. On top of that, Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) will ensure you continue to burn more calories then when at your body is resting. You get to burn many calories, amongst other things such as stronger body all around.

Please register for free to access this FREE COURSE.

8 Lessons


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Stretching & Flexibility

A proper warm-up is specific to an activity, and dynamic stretching is an integral part of any warm-up. The warm-up prepares you for practice and decreases the risk of injury, amongst other things.

Static stretching after your workout is also important. It helps you recover quickly, lowers the soreness levels (to a certain extent) and improve your flexibility.

Please register for free to access this FREE COURSE.


Learn how to stretch your whole body in this simple guide so that you can perform and recover well.


20 Lessons


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Walking For Weight Loss

This course is only available for registered users with specific user roles. Login, Register or contact the administrator of this site for more details.

39 Lessons


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Stress Control

In today’s fast-paced modern world, we are experiencing stress in our everyday lives.


Stress is a fact of life, wherever you are or whatever you are doing.


You cannot avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t manage you.


Stress is caused by changes. Any change in life including enrolling in college, getting married, changing jobs or illness are frequent causes of stress. Keep in mind that changes that cause stress can also benefit you.


Moving away from home to attend college, for example, creates personal-development opportunities—new challenges, friends, and living arrangements.


That is why it’s important to know yourself and carefully consider the causes of stress.


Learning to do this takes time, and although you cannot avoid stress, the good news is that you can minimize the harmful effects of stress, such as depression or hypertension.


The key is to develop an awareness of how you interpret, and react to, circumstances. This awareness will help you develop coping techniques for managing stress.


Inside this guide, we will provide you some basic information on stress and simple recommended techniques to effectively manage and deal with stress. You’ll learn how to combat stress in your daily life and prevent it from becoming a serious medical problem for your health and well-being.


The book focuses on what stress is, what causes it, and most importantly what you can do to manage your stress.


It will provide you a detailed idea about how to identify your sources of stress, understand the stress and its root cause along with the ability to generate alternative solutions, and select the best solutions for your physical, mental and social well-being.


Let’s embark on your stress management journey and get ready to say goodbye to troubled days in your life.

62 Lessons



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Overcome Procrastination Now!

People go through their lives continuously taking on different challenges each day. Whether it is in school, at work, or at home, there are many things that always come up and cause too much stress on a person. He might simply have too much to do and not have an opportunity to get enough rest. There are instances when a person handles a task on a tight schedule, feeling that time is never on his side. 

This is the course to end procrastination now. Learn the methods to set started without feeling the 'burden and pain' of starting to get healthy.

28 Lessons


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Gain Self Control With The Power of Discipline

I want to thank you for downloading this book, ‘The Power ofDiscipline: Key to Unstoppable Productivity & Success.” Most of us hate rules!

52 Lessons


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Eating Healthy To A Great Body

This course is only available for registered users with specific user roles. Login, Register or contact the administrator of this site for more details.

28 Lessons


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MicroHabits: Tiny Changes – Huge Results

You want to change your life. You’re fed up with being who you are and can’t even see clearly who you want to be. You’ve crashed and burned too many times before.

Now here you are at a crossroads: do you try one last time, or give up before you even start?

Thankfully, giving up doesn’t have to be an option. You can be a better, stronger, more confident version of yourself, and this time you’re guaranteed not to fail.

That’s because this time you’re going to build MicroHabits . These tiny changes are about to give you some pretty huge results.

MicroHabits are what they sound like – they’re small actions that you do on a regular basis until they become a habit. Incremental change has been proven to work, over and over, in a variety of ways. What makes MicroHabits so exciting is that they really are tiny. By embracing them, you’re not indulging in those grand sweeping gestures that caused you to crash and burn before.

In this book, you’re going to first learn the value of incremental change. Then once you understand what a micro-habit is, you’ll get a chance to explore a couple dozen that you can start implementing in your life today!

This book will start you off with a variety of suggestions that pertain to Health, Financial Wellness, your Family Life, Career, and even Social Skills.

So, get ready to change your life. You’re about to discover a brand new you.

13 Lessons



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Look Great With Muscle Gain Secrets

This course is only available for registered users with specific user roles. Login, Register or contact the administrator of this site for more details.

28 Lessons


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