Science-Based Knowledge

Look Great With Muscle Gain Secrets

7 Chapters 28 Lessons None

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How to Condition Your Mind 3 Lessons

Stop Giving Excuses

Road blocks, brick walls, obstacles, bumps in the road, reasons or whatever you call them – they exist and they get in our way daily in our quest to be healthy and fit.

The Power Of Mindset

Fitness begins with the mind, not the body. Never underestimate the power of your mind. The mind has always been at the core of building muscle. Hence, before adhering to any fitness program, the first Muscle Gain Secrets is to get your mindset right. 


Feed Your Muscles To Grow 6 Lessons

What Is Protein?

High-protein diets such as Zone, Atkins and Sugar Busters were once popular diet plans in the past few decades. While high-protein diet does lead to weight loss, they have an alarming flaw, which leads to unbalanced meal plans that deprive one of other essential nutrients for a healthy body. However, that doesn’t have to be the case.

What Foods Contain Higher Amount Of Protein?

Working out involves breaking down muscle fibers in order to grow bigger and stronger muscles, and protein is required to repair and grow muscle tissues. Also, it’s good to note that protein is the final source of energy after both carbohydrates and fats are depleted, making it perfect for those who wish to burn fats and lose weight.

What About Protein Powders?

Speak to any fitness enthusiasts in the gym, you’ll find that most of them consume protein powders as their staple supplements. So what exactly are they? It’s actually a popular protein source to help people improve athletic performance and build muscle mass. This is a go-to solution for those who are looking for a quick and convenient source to fill in their daily protein intake requirements to build muscles. 

Ways To Add More Protein In Everyday Diet

Besides protein powder, you should also learn how to get your protein intake from other sources, including whole food. Here’s a list of food that you can consider adding into your everyday diet to hit your daily protein target:

Planning Your Muscle Gain Phase

Athletes who are attempting to add muscle and strength over time don’t have the same macro nutrient needs as dieters. They will be in a caloric surplus or at a maintenance and most likely have a higher body fat percentage compared to dieters who practice high protein diet.


Important Supplements 6 Lessons

Significance of Muscle Gaining Supplements

To build up muscle it is still better to achieve it via diet and exercise while supplementation should only be used for additive effects. Nonetheless, it should not be pushed aside as supplements are still generally used for health and building muscle. 

Top 3 Muscle Gaining Supplements

Creatine / Creatine monohydrate
Vitamin D
Fish Oil

Rule of Thumb for a Good Diet

A good diet supposed to be simple and not to over-complicate things. Because the key to a sustainable fitness lifestyle is to have your diet simplified so that you’re able to stick to it long-term.

Supplements To Avoid

Supplements today are expensive! And if you’re not careful, you’ll end up burning a hole in your wallet with supplements that do not work.

Testosterone Booster

They are supplements that increase testosterone levels in the blood, most of the compounds do boost testosterone levels and there are those which do not actually boost testosterone. It is recommended to cycle testosterone boosters as they do have side-effects that could be detrimental to your health if taken excessively.


Chest & Best Biceps 3 Lessons

Ultimate Chest Workout

I’ll share with you the ultimate chest & best biceps sculpturing workouts.  These muscles groups will give you the V-figure that you’ve been longing for and look good in any outfit! So we’re going to focus on that today, and we’ll walk you through how to execute each workout with the perfect form to ensure maximal muscle growth and minimal injury.

Best Biceps Sculpturing Workouts

Biceps are the epitome of fitness. Every man and woman deserves to have some awesome biceps. So you should really incorporate biceps workouts into your routine to grow these proud muscles. And here are my best biceps sculpturing workouts. 


Building your Shoulders 3 Lessons

How To Get Washboard Abs

Everyone wants to have “The Rock” shoulder & Washboard Abs! These are the aesthetic muscles that make you look good with or without clothes.

The Solid Foundation To Get Washboard Abs

1. Burn Your Fats First
Want to burn those unwanted fats? Perform some regular aerobic activity. You can’t spot-reduce abdominal fat. You need to burn your overall body fat before your body allows you to start building specific muscle group.


Muscle Building Techniques for Vegans 3 Lessons

Adding Celebrity Exercise to your workout plan

Once your diet is all set and you’re confident with what you can eat, it’s time to put the workout into play. There are various types of workout you can choose, depending on your goals and what you like to do with your personal time. The most significant point is that you need to seek something that you enjoy doing or really want to do. 

Practicing Celebrity Workouts

Personally, you can still follow your desired celebrity workout plan as a stepping stone to achieve your goals of muscle building. But in terms of diet plan, it is not ideal to straight-out follow their diet plans even if it is out there for people to look up to. 


What celebrities do to build muscles 4 Lessons

The Essential Nutrients

As long as you are consuming the right nutrition with high protein, you don’t have to be a meat-eater to build muscles. Building up your muscles is 80% from your diet while the remainder 20% comes from your physical exercise and training. To lose fat and build muscle you have to eat correctly. This will be your first and main priority before moving to your physical activities. 

The Significance of Vegetable Protein

There are various significant factors to look into when it comes to the consumption of vegetable protein. Studies showed that the anti-nutritional factors which are commonly found in soy and other vegetable protein have negative effects in human nutrition. These are substances or compound which act to reduce the intake of nutrients, absorption, and utilization and may produce other adverse effects.

Planning Out Your Diet!

“Planning out your Diet!” is being self-aware with what you eat and how much you eat daily. The optimized way to do this is to calculate the calories of everything you consume during the course of the entire day with the use of a calorie tracking application or a pen and paper. 
