Get rid from Motivation & Go from 90 to 60 – Coach Sharm

Get rid from Motivation & Go from 90 to 60

Too many times people have been telling us to find our motivation, find our Whys. In order to become the best version of ourselves. Some people are motivated by the success of others. While Parents are motivated by their kids.

See, motivation is good, but motivation and willpower are limited resources. Just like our  energy levels, they deplete, and once they deplete, that’s when our when our will to move forward will be at their lowest.

What people: parents and busy individuals need to have: 

  • healthy routines and habits

  • doable exercises 

  • a balanced diet

  • a discipline mindset

These are the exact principles of The Body Thrive Challenge.

Here, I will present a step-by-step system, to attain a better body and mind, that is sustainable without depriving one's self of his or her favourite food and without hours and hours of doing physical activities and exercises.

The Body Thrive Challenge is a holistic approach to getting healthier, which involves training of the mind and doing micro-changes daily so we can develop good and healthy habits rather than relying on motivation and willpower which are depletable resources.⁣

⁣Over 1000 parents have signed up throughout the course of 3 months.⁣

And all it took for them to achieve what they want in terms of having a fit and healthy lifestyle is just 10 minutes a day, for 4 days a week - that's it!⁣

Commit to this, and I can help. ⁣

And if in case some of you will ask why am I doing this for free...well, as I said, I'd like to help. I've got 3 kids and I know how difficult it is to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle while balancing work and family time. ⁣

This is my way of giving back. ⁣

After this free coaching program, there's an opportunity to apply to have me as a coach where I can fully guide and mentor for 24 hours over a course of 90 days. ⁣

It all starts from here first.⁣

Click the button below, enter the details, and begin the parent challenge immediately.⁣

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