Science-Based Knowledge

Read this: Why Incremental Change?

Lesson 1 Chapter 1

The phrase “incremental change” might not be familiar to you, but I guarantee that the effects of it are.

Simply put - incremental changes are small shifts over a long period of time.

If you think about the Grand Canyon, you can very easily see the effects of incremental change over a period of thousands and thousands of years.

The tiny erosions of wind and river that carved the Grand Canyon were so minute you could never see the effects of it on a day to day basis. In fact, the Canyon is still changing today. If you visited it thirty years ago and then came back and visited it today, you wouldn’t see the same Canyon exactly. But you’d never know it, even if you stood in the exact same spot where you took a picture on that trip thirty years ago and took a picture there now.

In people, incremental change is likewise very gradual. Unless you have several medical issues, you didn’t wake up fifty pounds overweight one day, nor did your grandfather acquire those heavy lines etched into his face in the course of an afternoon.

These changes happened over time.

When carving canyons or gaining weight, while the changes themselves were slow and almost entirely unseen, the results are large enough to be visible to those around us. No one can dispute Grandpa’s wrinkles any more than they can dispute the depth of the Grand Canyon. This is what makes incremental change so absolutely astonishing in its power.

By focusing on MicroHabits, you’re going to harness the power of Incremental Change. By focusing on these tiny actions acted out over time, that are so small that they seem almost unnoticeable to the casual observer, your life is going to change in great big exciting ways.

How awesome is that?

Before we begin, let’s take just a moment to discuss why using incremental change is so much better than just revamping your entire life all at once.
