You Are Afraid To Be Judged – Coach Sharm

You Are Afraid To Be Judged

So you just found the courage to really LOSE THOSE FATS. But when you finally got to the gym, your immediately feel down.

👉 Everyone in there is already very fit
👉 Everyone is looking at you and you think you don't belong
👉 You immediately lose that motivation to even begin.
👉 "Can I even lift those weights?", "Can I even last 10 minutes straight on the treadmill?" "Those kids are very young" "What am I even doing here?" "I will always be fat"

You start developing a fear of being judged with your insecurities. By COMPARING your progress to others.

Society has these standards showing the perfect bod. You see it everywhere: print, TV, and online ads, even on job role requirements. So when you don't fit the mould, you immediately feel left out. There's something that needs to be done about these standards. But you can't do that alone. I'm here to help.
I will help you build that confidence so that you can start - and not quit immediately. It's easy to feel discouraged, so here's a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight wihout being insecure.


You only have to commit to 10 minutes a day, less than an hour per week. As Singapore personal trainer, I have been coaching busy people.

This is your road to greatness, the road to being a great parent. 

Your kids are very important, I know. But in order for them to grow up well, they need someone to look up to and that's YOU. Be the proud parent that your child wants to introduce to his/her friends and classmates at school. See them finish thru college and get their first job or get promoted.

Be the first person they call whenever something good happened in their lives. Your son's girlfriend said "yes", Your daughter is pregnant, Your son calling you because he got his first salary and wants to treat you, Your daughter getting an award for her art piece! You wouldn't be able to experience all of those if you do not take care of your body now and if you do not commit to a routine that's meant to shape your whole well-being. So think twice about quitting. Or better yet, don't think about it at all!

I have created 4-day Challenge for parents like you. It’s free.

So hop over to the next page, and learn the methods how my parent clients are using 10 Minutes a day to help themselves - to embark on their journey to a flatter belly, higher energy, and confidence levels.

If you click on the link and join the challenge, you’ll start to move from being upset, depressed and frustrated of their big stomachs to being happy, excited and proud of your strong body.

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