Losing weight - protein, carbs, fat and insulin strategies – Coach Sharm


This mini section provides a brief, yet important portion to our knowledge of proper diet and nutrition. Feel free to search the FAQs in this website and the internet to find out greater details and elaborations about them.


There are two types of carbohydrates, SIMPLE and COMPLEX carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates, like table sugar, contain little chains of 2 molecules. This type of sugar is easily broken down and absorbed in our bodies because they have only two links to break.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, have more chains and molecules. It takes longer to break it down into useful energy.

Which is better for you?

COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES, of course. It breaks down more slowly and gives you a long term energy. Besides that, complex carbo is also useful in other ways. For example, vegetables are complex carbohydrate. They contain FIBER. Fiber Slows down the conversion of carbo into blood sugar.

Blood sugar (aka Glucose) is stored in the form of a substance called glycogen and glycogen is a source of energy.

Yoyo-ing effect of Blood Sugar

What?! Blood sugar yo-yoing is caused by the drop in Blood sugar.

Solution?: Manage insulin level.

For example: If we just take a 100% carbo diet in the morning for breakfast, by 10am to 11am you will feel hungry again right? Why? Because you feel a lull in energy. See, all the carbo is converted to glucose almost instantly and this increases your blood sugar to the roof!

Why? Glucose stimulated the production of insulin! So, what happens was Insulin rushed into the bloodstream and transports glucose into storage (liver, muscles and fats). Then the blood sugar in your brain drops. So now that your brain has less sugar, it asks for more food to be consumed. :

We can classify these carbohydrates into two parts :

Good (Stimulate the least insulin) and Not So Good carbohydrates (MOST insulin)

The ‘Good’ carbo are such as : Barley, Oatmeal, Apples, Pears, and Soybeans

Not So Good carbohydrates : Processed grains, corn chips, commercial cereals and raisins

So, what could we do now? SOLUTION : Manage insulin levels by balancing construction of carbo with proteins and fats.

Yoyo-ing effect of Blood Sugar

What?! Blood sugar yo-yoing is caused by the drop in Blood sugar.

Solution?: Manage insulin level.

For example: If we just take a 100% carbo diet in the morning for breakfast, by 10am to 11am you will feel hungry again right? Why? Because you feel a lull in energy. See, all the carbo is converted to glucose almost instantly and this increases your blood sugar to the roof!

Why? Glucose stimulated the production of insulin! So, what happens was Insulin rushed into the bloodstream and transports glucose into storage (liver, muscles and fats). Then the blood sugar in your brain drops. So now that your brain has less sugar, it asks for more food to be consumed. :

We can classify these carbohydrates into two parts :

Good (Stimulate the least insulin) and Not So Good carbohydrates (MOST insulin)

The ‘Good’ carbo are such as : Barley, Oatmeal, Apples, Pears, and Soybeans

Not So Good carbohydrates : Processed grains, corn chips, commercial cereals and raisins

So, what could we do now? SOLUTION : Manage insulin levels by balancing construction of carbo with proteins and fats.

Protein (also known as Amino Acids)

What are they? They are building blocks of life and used to rebuild our body’s tissue. Protein is also essential for the functioning of our nervous system, for growth and production of vital enzymes, antibodies and hormones.

How many components of amino acids are there? 22. 10 of these are called ‘Essential Building Blocks’

Note: Our body is constantly in a state of flux. Every 7 days, we have a completely new skin, the oldest red blood cell is only about 120 days old. Our walls of intestines are completely new after every 3 days.


There are two types of protein. The GOOD (Low Fat) and the BAD (High fat).

The GOOD (Low Fat) are such as Chicken breast, salmon, water packed tuna and tofu

The BAD (High fat) are such as Bacon, Beef (most), hotdogs, hard cheese.


It REGULATES the blood sugar content in your body, helps to metabolise fat and STIMULATE the production of an important hormone : GLUCAGON

Glucagon is a mobilisation hormone, it moves energy out of storage and puts it to work. So this means, you will have less fat stores whenever glucagons moves the energy.

On top of that, GLUCAGON and INSULIN moves in opposite directions. The increase in the production of glucagon (moves fat) will decrease the production of insulin (stores fat).

Insulin stores energy in our tanks and Glucagon helps to empty the tank.

So lets try wrapping things up. If you eat too much carbo, your blood insulin level will be high, your glucagons level will be low. We wont be able to burn much fat if glucagons levels are suppressed.

Yoyo-ing effect of Blood Sugar

What?! Blood sugar yo-yoing is caused by the drop in Blood sugar.

Solution?: Manage insulin level.

For example: If we just take a 100% carbo diet in the morning for breakfast, by 10am to 11am you will feel hungry again right? Why? Because you feel a lull in energy. See, all the carbo is converted to glucose almost instantly and this increases your blood sugar to the roof!

Why? Glucose stimulated the production of insulin! So, what happens was Insulin rushed into the bloodstream and transports glucose into storage (liver, muscles and fats). Then the blood sugar in your brain drops. So now that your brain has less sugar, it asks for more food to be consumed. :

We can classify these carbohydrates into two parts :

Good (Stimulate the least insulin) and Not So Good carbohydrates (MOST insulin)

The ‘Good’ carbo are such as : Barley, Oatmeal, Apples, Pears, and Soybeans

Not So Good carbohydrates : Processed grains, corn chips, commercial cereals and raisins

So, what could we do now? SOLUTION : Manage insulin levels by balancing construction of carbo with proteins and fats.
Fats: Some facts that you may want to know.

Do you know that if you eliminate all the fat in you body, you will be dead in about 6 weeks?

What are the main functions of fats?

Fats cushions the vital organs, and insulates our body. It also stores energy and help utilise certain vitamins.

Fats help the body to produce a hormone called CCK (Nope its not Choa Chu Kang). The CCK sends signal to the brain saying it is full! Fats satisfy hunger longer! Further, fats slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose.

Fats: Energy?

Fats are a very concentrated form of energy, actually. 1 gram of fat gives us 9 calories, while a gram or carbohydrate or protein gives us 4 calories.

Classifications of Fat

We can classify them into three parts: Favourable (High Monounsaturated Fat), Alright in Moderation (Low in saturated fat) and Unfavourable (High in saturated fat).

Favourable (High Monounsaturated Fat): Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil

Alright in Moderation (Low in Saturated fat) : Light Mayo, Sesame Oil, Soybean Oil

Unfavourable (High in Saturated fat) : Butter, Cream, Sour Cream, Cream Cheese

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