You are What You Eat – Coach Sharm

With the fast-growing industry that Singapore is experiencing, I am not surprise that not even one of us has the time to sit down and enjoy the food we eat. We are always rushing, always wanting to get back to work that we do not take into consideration of what enters our body.

Even I have the trouble of sitting down and having a proper meal. Ask any of my colleagues or clients. But I have two adorable young kids growing up and therefore I want to give them the best head start in life that any father can.

A minimum 450g of vegetables and fruits was implemented by World Health Organization in 2010 to be included in a day’s meal to lower the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease stroke, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Tip: You can add chopped carrots to your Bolognese sauce or use sticks of cucumbers, peppers or cauliflower with dips such as salsa or lower-fat cheese spread. Be creative!

Living in Singapore, we are constantly dehydrated. Research have shown that we should drink about 1.2 litres of fluid everyday which is about 6-8 glasses. Be sure to check the labels before purchasing bottled water. The label should say “0 calories.” Many water beverages have as many calories as soda so be careful when you shop for drinks!

Tip: If you do not like the taste of water, try adding a slice of lemon or strawberries to give a hint of flavour.

Try rotating the food you eat in a week. That means if you eat chicken on Wednesday, do not have it again till Friday. Metabolism is one of the greatest keys to weight loss. If you eat the same thing every day, you are slowing down your metabolism by placing a regular pattern.

Tip: You can even rotate the type of vegetables you eat even though they contain no calories. Eat Romaine lettuce on Monday, iceberg lettuce on Tuesday and Bibb lettuce on Wednesday. The secret is to add variety to your weekly meals.

Many food alternatives high in protein or low in fat can be substituted for food containing less desirable characteristics. It is a lot easier to make smarter choices once we have been educated about alternative foods.

Tip: Eat sugar-free Popsicles or fat-free frozen yogurt instead of ice-cream. At any level of the food pyramid, there will always be an alternative that is both satisfying and better for you.

The most important thing is never to deny yourself. Have that slice of chocolate cake you have been eyeing. But remember, there could only be one slice for the week. Unless you can spend more energy than taking in.

Your personal trainer
Team Fitness Guru



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