Simple Steps to Shed Those Pounds – Coach Sharm

The 10 simple secrets to lose weight:

So you’re looking forward to losing a couple of kilos and start feeling healthy and fit again. Here’s what you can do:

1. Self-Monitor

Weigh yourself once a week as it allows you to make adjustments if the weight creeps back. Many people underestimate the number of calories they consume; Let the record of food intake be a management tool. Become more mindful of what we eat, when, why and how is important. If you have a personal trainer, you may want to discuss with him/her what’s the best way to monitor your caloric intake and expenditure without taking too much of your time.

Tip: Keep a food log and record it daily.

2. Portion Control

Studies have shown that when subjects consume more calories from large portions at a meal, hunger and fullness ratings are not affected and the subjects don’t compensate for the increased energy by eating less at subsequent meals. Pay attention to portion size and eat slowly, savour the food to help control appetite and calorie intake.

Tip: Eat 4-5 small meals a day rather than 3 huge meals so you would be full at longer period of time. Fuel yourself adequately so you don’t have post exercise pig-outs.

3. Source of Calories

I believe carb does not make you fat. It’s actually how much you eat. Regardless of source, calories eaten are converted to energy or stored in the body, and unless we use them, calories will settle as fat. Compared with other diets, a low-carbohydrate diet has been shown to result in lower body weight and greater fat loss in the first 6 months. However, at the 1- and 2-year marks, caloric intake and weight loss are similar across all participants, regardless of macronutrient composition.

Tip: Instead of eating a lot of rice (simple carbohydrates), have more vegetables (complex carbohydrates) instead.

Eat a combination of macronutrients at meals to balance blood sugar and insulin levels such as fiber-rich carbohydrates (beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains), lean protein and healthy fats to keep you full longer.

4. Eating Frequency and Pattern

Do not skip breakfast. Successful weight losers appreciate this and regularly eat a breakfast that contributes approximately 20% of their daily energy intake because breakfast eaters maintain morning blood sugar levels, they are more likely to have better control over snack choices and eat less at later meals.

Tip: Spread calories throughout the day. If you don’t eat breakfast, eat a single item like a carton of low-fat yogurt or a banana within 1 hour of waking and then aim for a daily high-fiber breakfast made up of two to three different food groups.

5.  Carbon Footprint

For those who are overweight, have at least 250 minutes of physical activity in a week. The American College of Sports Medicine states that ‘Overweight and obese individuals will most likely experience greater weight reduction and prevent weight regain with 250+ minutes/week of moderate-intensity physical activity’. Walk to the train station, climb up staircase instead of taking the lift – they count towards your 250 minutes.

6. Add interval training in your workouts

Interval training is a burst of high intensity workout so I would recommend for starters jogging for 5minutes and then walking for 30seconds followed by sprinting for 30seconds before walking for 30seconds and doing the same thing over again.  It is effective as it loses body fat and improves your cardiovascular conditioning.

Tip: Start with aerobic interval training before moving to moderate or high-intensity training.

7. Liquid Calories

Studies maintain that weight loss is positively associated with a reduction in sweetened-beverage consumption. However, liquid calories can lead to weight loss or weight gain—depending on how they’re used. “I see the issue of liquid calories as being one of volume,” adds Bell, author of Energy to Burn. “If you have to hold your to-go cup with two hands, it may have too many calories.”

Tip: Stick with water, unsweetened tea or coffee and beverages sweetened with low-calorie sweeteners to control calorie intake.

8. Add weight training in your workouts.

Weight training helps you to raise your metabolism, strengthen your bones, avoid injuries, makes you stronger and of course, increase muscular endurance.

Tip: To build muscle, use more resistance than your muscles are used to.

9. Pick up a sport

If you’re not the type that likes interval trainings, going to the gym or lifting weights, do not worry! Simply just take up a fast-paced sport such as basketball, swimming or rock climbing.

Tip: Ask friends to play the sport with you and burn fats at the same time.

10. Fill Up on Less

Increase intake of nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables is good for controlling portions. Studies show that reducing energy density by boosting intake of low-caloric- density foods is associated with weight loss and improved diet quality.

Tip:  Eat satisfy hunger and reduce caloric intake. Adults should aim for 25–35 grams of fiber per day and increase gradually.


Upton, J., & Bell-Wilson, J. 2009. Energy to Burn:

The Ultimate Food and Nutrition Guide to Fuel Your Active Life.Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Well what are you waiting for? Open up your calendar and pen down the things that you can and will do tomorrow. Shed those pounds now! 🙂

Sharm, MSc


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