Personal Training in Singapore


Fire – Fat Burn

Fire and heat eradicates even the most hardened impurities. As such, Fire will help you burn away your excess and unwanted fat. Be it to shed off that bulge, fit into your old pair of jeans or to feel fitter, healthier and more active everyday, Fire is tailored to help you burn away that dreaded excess body fat.

Earth – Gain Muscle

Earth will help you build muscle. Simple as that. Of course, the difference between Earth and just hitting the gym is that Earth will be tailored to your fitness levels and physiology and at the same time, you will learn proper weight lifting techniques and eating habits to help you hulk up. No more top heavy, chicken legged days.

Life – Active Lifestyle

Being active is the key to success in a lot of things and especially in fitness. Life is created with keeping active at its core. With equal amounts of fat burn and muscle development, Life will keep you toned, fit and ready to take on…life! Life is also suited for athletes trying to get back to peak fitness during the off season, getting prepared for a competition or fitness enthusiasts looking to take their fitness to another level.

Water – Post Natal

Why name this Water? Simply because both water and births are miracles of life. That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to either get back to your old exercise regiment, return to your pre-pregnancy figure or to just feel active again after your long pregnancy journey. Water is tailored to each individual’s wants, needs and fitness condition.

Air – Online Training

What’s always around us other than air? Well, our cellular/wifi networks of course! Air is a customised online training regiment for those who favour independence but need just a bit of help. From live chats to videos and training manuals, Air will guide you in your journey to fitness success!

Training with Sharm

A lot of people have made the argument of not having a personal trainer. Most of their arguments centre around the fact that you are able to exercise by your own. For the most part, they’re right! Surprised to hear me say this? Well you can definitely do work outs on your own but the real question is, are you doing those work outs right? Are those self workouts or specialised diets helping you achieve your fitness goals? Have you reached a the dreaded work out plateau where everything that you’re doing just does not give you results?

I want to help you. When I first entered the personal training industry, I know that mere certifications would not suffice. That is why I pushed myself to achieve my Master Degree in Exercise & Sports Science and Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education & Sports Science. It is with this knowledge that would enable me to create and develop truly effective and personalised exercise regimes to help me achieve not only a good figure, but an all-round fitter, healthier and happier life.

Right now though, my focus is on you. I gladly want to utilise all my knowledge and experience that i have garnered over the years to help you achieve your fitness goals. Be it to lose weight, to gain muscle, to stay toned, to be more active and many more! Nothing would make me happier than to help you.

What You Will Experience

I try my very best to make your workout sessions as exciting, interactive, educational and motivational as possible! I’m definitely not one of those trainers who’d just tell you what to do while I stand around surfing Facebook on my phone. My sessions are dedicated and focused only on you. At the same time, I will share with you the various effective training methods suited to you to get you started whenever you are training on your own.

Here are some of the advantages of having your workouts with me:

Personalised Training Sessions

My sessions cater not only to your fitness needs but also to your fitness preferences. For example, I do not like long distance running so I would not anyone who feels the same way to be motivated if there were a lot of long distance running exercises planned into their workout regiment. I feel you!

Nutrition Consultancy

Exercise is only half of the battle but what’s the other half? Your eating habits of course! Singapore is blessed with an incredible amount of delicious food. Alas these foods are not exactly the healthiest. Our sessions will feature lessons on which nutrients are best to consume and when. I will also share best eating habits and various healthy recipes!

Motivation and Guidance

I will use the wealth of knowledge that I have learned to craft the most effective exercise regime for you and will guide you through the process. I also understand that it may seem impossible to reach the fitness goals that you are aiming for but I will be there to guide and push you along the way, especially when i know that you are capable of doing more!

I will meet you to discuss your fitness goals, preferences, difficulties, health and nutrition level and of course to know more about you!

Training locations will be your choice of indoor, outdoor or both locations.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Although I am very confident (backed up by my many satisfied clients) that my training would either exceed or, at the very least, meet your expectations, for some reason or another should you not feel satisfied with my training, that session will be considered free of charge. No strings attached!

How Choose the Best Personal Trainer for You

I understand that personal trainers are not exactly cheap and with services with significant costs, a lot of prior research has to be done. Here are two articles that I have written, based on my experience of more than 20 years in the personal training industry, to help you in that search.

How to Choose a Good Personal Trainer

Fitness Personal Trainer Certification – Which One?

Don’t worry, the articles were not written to shine me in a good light. However if you feel confident enough in qualifications, my experience and me and find that my services cater to your budget, I would me more than honoured to have you as a client.

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